Amber was the AMLE 2018 Educator of the Year, finalist for New York
State 2022 Teacher of the Year, author of four books, and blogger for
ShareMyLesson, American Federation of Teachers, and has guest
columns in EdWeek and other education publications. Amber's latest
passion is mentoring new teachers and helping districts attract
and retain educators. She is sharing this message in webinars,
workshops, and within her own district as the recipient of the AFT's
"What Kids and Communities Need" Grant. In her new book,
Everything New Teachers Need to Know But Are Afraid to Ask. Amber is also
the author of the soon-to-be-published novel Palindromes.
Amber teaches 8th grade ELA at Frontier Middle School. She also
teaches in Hilbert College's Global Online program, creating online learning communities. Amber is a trainer who leads workshops on Differentiation, Using Twitter and Social Media to Promote Learning, Danielson's Domains, and Project-Based Learning, as well as leading book studies on her education books.
Amber holds her School District Leader certification and served for many years as the Director of Frontier Central School District's popular Regional Summer School. She co-piloted a program for at-risk students, REACH, and had excellent results, nearly eliminating behavioral issues and helping students through restorative practices, built-in counseling, and a focus on high academic expectations for all students. The program emphasized building positive habits to overcome obstacles, as well as relying heavily on the creation of a supportive community. Amber is in her third term as the president of the Frontier Central Teachers' Association. She was the recipient of the NYSUT E.D. #1 Leadership Award in 2022.